Rumors are not always necessarily real. In this village, there was a witch who could use black magic to do anything. She seldom appeared in the street, so only few people have seen her. The rumor said she helped others busily only because she wanted others to pay a price for her, so no one wanted to be helped by her. The only kid in the village was Tory. Tory’s grandfather was Charlie. He worked in a factory, which nears the dam. The factory produced sponge. They lived together in the little wooden hut beside the witch’s house. The witch had a small farmland before her house, and planted each kind of plants. Above her house, there were vines. When the wind blew, vines were made the terrible noise, but the witch didn’t care about that. That day was Tory’s birthday, and he looked forward to make a wish for becoming a wealthy man so he can share with his grandfather and let him could spend money to have vacation. Tory had heard from his grandfather that the witch could use black magic to do anything. Then he came to visit the witch. The witch said that if she helped him, he would be a frog, and be eaten by her. Tory was frightened and ran home quickly. A month later, Charlie went to work and Tory went with him. Tory saw that the dam was split. Charlie wanted to fill the crack and told Tory to disperse everybody immediately. Tory ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. The dam was going to crash. At that time, Tory decided to ask the witch for help. The witch said,“ I can help you, but you have to…”“ I know and I don’t care!”, Tory interrupted her. The witch nodded and smiles. Suddenly, Tory screamed,“ The flood is coming!” Less than one second, the witch used her black magic to take all sponge out of the factory and they flied to the dam. Then, she used all the vines as the string to hold all the sponge. After five minutes, there was no flood. Charlie was fine, too. When Tory made the preparation for being a frog, the witch laughed. The witch said,“ I told you that you had to pay a price, I just lied to you because I did not want people to be lazy and wanted me to help them to be rich.” Tory laughed. The moral is:The rumor is not necessarily real.
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